प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६


1. Introduction:

Polygraph is a multichannel physiological recording instrument that records relative salience that an object attaches to a test question. Polygraph system is also called ‘Psychophysiological Detection of Deception’ (PDD) and it is one of the techniques of credibility assessment.
In Nepalese context, polygraph is a completely new technology in both government and private sector. Nepal Police used polygraph technique on 6 February 2014 for the first time in the history of Nepal. Currently, polygraph is being used for criminal and internal investigation guided by Nepal Police Polygraph Directive, 2014. Central Polygraph Section in Crime Investigation Department (CID) is the main apparatus of the polygraph mechanism. Nepal Police has also developed its own polygraph quality control officer for the quality of polygraph examination and verifications. Use of polygraph system can be taken as one of the greatest achievements in criminal investigations and security clearance in Nepal Police.
Central Polygraph Section in CID administers the overall management of polygraph system. Examiners at CID also look after the administrative and procedural part of polygraph by maintaining co-ordination among all the examiners and other police units including quality assurance of the examinations. The section boasts  three polygraph examiners and a support staff and polygraph examiners are available in all 7 State Police Offices.


2. Objectives:

Polygraph techniques can be used in investigations, recruitments, security clearances and vetting purposes. Currently Central Polygraph Section is administering polygraph tests for criminal and internal disciplinary investigations as guided by Nepal Police Polygraph Directives, 2014.   Plan to administer polygraph tests for recruitment is under process.
The main objective of Central Polygraph Section is to facilitate crime investigations through polygraph examinations. Major objectives of Central Polygraph Section are:

  • To co-ordinate and administer polygraph tests all over Nepal as per Nepal Police Polygraph Directives, 2014.   
  • To analyze and follow-up criminal cases and provide necessary polygraph service to the police units and investigators.
  • To ensure that all polygraph examiners are complying with polygraph directives.
  • To provide necessary counseling regarding polygraph services to the investigators.
  • To maintain central polygraph data base and polygraph tests records.
  • To ensure quality of polygraph tests and validity of the techniques used.
  • To plan and implement polygraph and development plans.
  • To evaluate and analyze past polygraph results widely among polygraph examiners.